Change Awesome appearance

The beautiful themes

Beautiful is where Awesome theme variables are stored.

Name Description
border_markedThe border color when the client is focused
maximized_honor_paddingHonor the screen padding when maximizing
fullscreen_hide_borderHide the border on fullscreen clients
maximized_hide_borderHide the border on maximized clients
hotkeys_bgHotkeys widget background color
hotkeys_fgHotkeys widget foreground color
hotkeys_border_widthHotkeys widget border width
hotkeys_border_colorHotkeys widget border color
hotkeys_shapeHotkeys widget shape
hotkeys_modifiers_fgForeground color used for hotkey modifiers (Ctrl, Alt, Super, etc)
hotkeys_label_bgBackground color used for miscellaneous labels of hotkeys widget
hotkeys_label_fgForeground color used for hotkey groups and other labels
hotkeys_fontMain hotkeys widget font
hotkeys_description_fontFont used for hotkeys' descriptions
hotkeys_group_marginMargin between hotkeys groups
layout_cornernwThe cornernw layout layoutbox icon
layout_cornerneThe cornerne layout layoutbox icon
layout_cornerswThe cornersw layout layoutbox icon
layout_cornerseThe cornerse layout layoutbox icon
layout_fairhThe fairh layout layoutbox icon
layout_fairvThe fairv layout layoutbox icon
layout_floatingThe floating layout layoutbox icon
layout_magnifierThe magnifier layout layoutbox icon
layout_maxThe max layout layoutbox icon
layout_fullscreenThe fullscreen layout layoutbox icon
layout_spiralThe spiral layout layoutbox icon
layout_dwindleThe dwindle layout layoutbox icon
layout_tileThe tile layout layoutbox icon
layout_tiletopThe tile top layout layoutbox icon
layout_tilebottomThe tile bottom layout layoutbox icon
layout_tileleftThe tile left layout layoutbox icon
menu_submenu_iconThe icon used for sub-menus
menu_fontThe menu text font
menu_heightThe item height
menu_widthThe default menu width
menu_border_colorThe menu item border color
menu_border_widthThe menu item border width
menu_fg_focusThe default focused item foreground (text) color
menu_bg_focusThe default focused item background color
menu_fg_normalThe default foreground (text) color
menu_bg_normalThe default background color
menu_submenuThe default sub-menu indicator if no menu_submenu_icon is provided
snap_bgThe snap outline background color
snap_border_widthThe snap outline width
snap_shapeThe snap outline shape
snapper_gapThe gap between snapped contents
cursor_mouse_resizeThe resize cursor name
cursor_mouse_moveThe move cursor name
bg_normalThe default background color
fg_normalThe default foreground (text) color
prompt_fg_cursorThe prompt cursor foreground color
prompt_bg_cursorThe prompt cursor background color
prompt_fontThe prompt text font
enable_spawn_cursorShow busy mouse cursor during spawn
master_width_factorThe default master width factor
useless_gapThe default gap
gap_single_clientEnable gaps for a single client
master_fill_policyThe default fill policy
master_countThe default number of master windows
column_countThe default number of columns
titlebar_fg_normalThe titlebar foreground (text) color
titlebar_bg_normalThe titlebar background color
titlebar_bgimage_normalThe titlebar background image image
titlebar_fgThe titlebar foreground (text) color
titlebar_bgThe titlebar background color
titlebar_bgimageThe titlebar background image image
titlebar_fg_focusThe focused titlebar foreground (text) color
titlebar_bg_focusThe focused titlebar background color
titlebar_bgimage_focusThe focused titlebar background image image
tooltip_border_colorThe tooltip border color
tooltip_bgThe tooltip background color
tooltip_fgThe tooltip foregound (text) color
tooltip_fontThe tooltip font
tooltip_border_widthThe tooltip border width
tooltip_opacityThe tooltip opacity
tooltip_shapeThe default tooltip shape
tooltip_alignThe default tooltip alignment
wibar_stretchIf the wibar needs to be stretched to fill the screen
wibar_border_widthThe wibar border width
wibar_border_colorThe wibar border color
wibar_ontopIf the wibar is to be on top of other windows
wibar_cursorThe wibar’s mouse cursor
wibar_opacityThe wibar opacity, between 0 and 1
wibar_typeThe window type (desktop, normal, dock, …)
wibar_widthThe wibar’s width
wibar_heightThe wibar’s height
wibar_bgThe wibar’s background color
wibar_bgimageThe wibar’s background image
wibar_fgThe wibar’s foreground (text) color
wibar_shapeThe wibar’s shape
bg_normalThe default background color
fg_normalThe default foreground (text) color
calendar_styleThe generic calendar style table
layoutlist_fg_normalThe default foreground (text) color
layoutlist_bg_normalThe default background color
layoutlist_fg_selectedThe selected layout foreground (text) color
layoutlist_bg_selectedThe selected layout background color
layoutlist_disable_iconDisable the layout icons (only show the name label)
layoutlist_disable_nameDisable the layout name label (only show the icon)
layoutlist_fontThe layoutlist font
layoutlist_alignThe selected layout alignment
layoutlist_font_selectedThe selected layout title font
layoutlist_spacingThe space between the layouts
layoutlist_shapeThe default layoutlist elements shape
layoutlist_shape_border_widthThe default layoutlist elements border width
layoutlist_shape_border_colorThe default layoutlist elements border color
layoutlist_shape_selectedThe selected layout shape
layoutlist_shape_border_width_selectedThe selected layout border width
layoutlist_shape_border_color_selectedThe selected layout border color
prompt_fgThe prompt foreground color
prompt_bgThe prompt background color
taglist_fg_focusThe tag list main foreground (text) color
taglist_bg_focusThe tag list main background color
taglist_fg_urgentThe tag list urgent elements foreground (text) color
taglist_bg_urgentThe tag list urgent elements background color
taglist_bg_occupiedThe tag list occupied elements background color
taglist_fg_occupiedThe tag list occupied elements foreground (text) color
taglist_bg_emptyThe tag list empty elements background color
taglist_fg_emptyThe tag list empty elements foreground (text) color
taglist_bg_volatileThe tag list volatile elements background color
taglist_fg_volatileThe tag list volatile elements foreground (text) color
taglist_squares_selThe selected elements background image
taglist_squares_unselThe unselected elements background image
taglist_squares_sel_emptyThe selected empty elements background image
taglist_squares_unsel_emptyThe unselected empty elements background image
taglist_squares_resizeIf the background images can be resized
taglist_disable_iconDo not display the tag icons, even if they are set
taglist_fontThe taglist font
taglist_spacingThe space between the taglist elements
taglist_shapeThe main shape used for the elements
taglist_shape_border_widthThe shape elements border width
taglist_shape_border_colorThe elements shape border color
taglist_shape_emptyThe shape used for the empty elements
taglist_shape_border_width_emptyThe shape used for the empty elements border width
taglist_shape_border_color_emptyThe empty elements shape border color
taglist_shape_focusThe shape used for the selected elements
taglist_shape_border_width_focusThe shape used for the selected elements border width
taglist_shape_border_color_focusThe selected elements shape border color
taglist_shape_urgentThe shape used for the urgent elements
taglist_shape_border_width_urgentThe shape used for the urgent elements border width
taglist_shape_border_color_urgentThe urgents elements shape border color
taglist_shape_volatileThe shape used for the volatile elements
taglist_shape_border_width_volatileThe shape used for the volatile elements border width
taglist_shape_border_color_volatileThe volatile elements shape border color
tasklist_fg_normalThe default foreground (text) color
tasklist_bg_normalThe default background color
tasklist_fg_focusThe focused client foreground (text) color
tasklist_bg_focusThe focused client background color
tasklist_fg_urgentThe urgent clients foreground (text) color
tasklist_bg_urgentThe urgent clients background color
tasklist_fg_minimizeThe minimized clients foreground (text) color
tasklist_bg_minimizeThe minimized clients background color
tasklist_bg_image_normalThe elements default background image
tasklist_bg_image_focusThe focused client background image
tasklist_bg_image_urgentThe urgent clients background image
tasklist_bg_image_minimizeThe minimized clients background image
tasklist_disable_iconDisable the tasklist client icons
tasklist_disable_task_nameDisable the tasklist client titles
tasklist_plain_task_nameDisable the extra tasklist client property notification icons
tasklist_fontThe tasklist font
tasklist_alignThe focused client alignment
tasklist_font_focusThe focused client title alignment
tasklist_font_minimizedThe minimized clients font
tasklist_font_urgentThe urgent clients font
tasklist_spacingThe space between the tasklist elements
tasklist_shapeThe default tasklist elements shape
tasklist_shape_border_widthThe default tasklist elements border width
tasklist_shape_border_colorThe default tasklist elements border color
tasklist_shape_focusThe focused client shape
tasklist_shape_border_width_focusThe focused client border width
tasklist_shape_border_color_focusThe focused client border color
tasklist_shape_minimizedThe minimized clients shape
tasklist_shape_border_width_minimizedThe minimized clients border width
tasklist_shape_border_color_minimizedThe minimized clients border color
tasklist_shape_urgentThe urgent clients shape
tasklist_shape_border_width_urgentThe urgent clients border width
tasklist_shape_border_color_urgentThe urgent clients border color
fontThe default font
bg_normalThe default background color
bg_focusThe default focused element background color
bg_urgentThe default urgent element background color
bg_minimizeThe default minimized element background color
bg_systrayThe system tray background color
fg_normalThe default focused element foreground (text) color
fg_focusThe default focused element foreground (text) color
fg_urgentThe default urgent element foreground (text) color
fg_minimizeThe default minimized element foreground (text) color
useless_gapThe gap between clients
border_widthThe client border width
border_normalThe default clients border color
border_focusThe focused client border color
border_markedThe marked clients border color
wallpaperThe wallpaper path
icon_themeThe icon theme name
awesome_iconThe Awesome icon path
menubar_fg_normalMenubar normal text color
menubar_bg_normalMenubar normal background color
menubar_border_widthMenubar border width
menubar_border_colorMenubar border color
menubar_fg_normalMenubar selected item text color
menubar_bg_normalMenubar selected item background color
notification_fontNotifications font
notification_bgNotifications background color
notification_fgNotifications foreground color
notification_border_widthNotifications border width
notification_border_colorNotifications border color
notification_shapeNotifications shape
notification_opacityNotifications opacity
notification_marginNotifications margin
notification_widthNotifications width
notification_heightNotifications height
notification_max_widthNotifications maximum width
notification_max_heightNotifications maximum height
notification_icon_sizeNotifications icon size
arcchart_border_colorThe progressbar border background color
arcchart_colorThe progressbar foreground color
arcchart_border_widthThe progressbar border width
arcchart_paddingsThe padding between the outline and the progressbar
arcchart_thicknessThe arc thickness
radialprogressbar_border_colorThe progressbar border background color
radialprogressbar_colorThe progressbar foreground color
radialprogressbar_border_widthThe progressbar border width
radialprogressbar_paddingsThe padding between the outline and the progressbar
bg_normalThe default background color
fg_normalThe default foreground (text) color
calendar_fontThe calendar font
calendar_spacingThe calendar spacing
calendar_week_numbersDisplay the calendar week numbers
calendar_start_sundayStart the week on Sunday
calendar_long_weekdaysFormat the weekdays with three characters instead of two
checkbox_border_widthThe outer (unchecked area) border width
checkbox_bgThe outer (unchecked area) background color, pattern or gradient
checkbox_border_colorThe outer (unchecked area) border color
checkbox_check_border_colorThe checked part border color
checkbox_check_border_widthThe checked part border width
checkbox_check_colorThe checked part filling color
checkbox_shapeThe outer (unchecked area) shape
checkbox_check_shapeThe checked part shape
checkbox_paddingsThe padding between the outline and the progressbar
checkbox_colorThe checkbox color
graph_bgThe graph background color
graph_fgThe graph foreground color
graph_border_colorThe graph border color
piechart_border_colorThe border color
piechart_border_widthThe pie elements border width
piechart_colorsThe pie chart colors
progressbar_bgThe progressbar background color
progressbar_fgThe progressbar foreground color
progressbar_shapeThe progressbar shape
progressbar_border_colorThe progressbar border color
progressbar_border_widthThe progressbar outer border width
progressbar_bar_shapeThe progressbar inner shape
progressbar_bar_border_widthThe progressbar bar border width
progressbar_bar_border_colorThe progressbar bar border color
progressbar_marginsThe progressbar margins
progressbar_paddingsThe progressbar padding
separator_thicknessThe separator thickness
separator_border_colorThe separator border color
separator_border_widthThe separator border width
separator_span_ratioThe relative percentage covered by the bar
separator_colorThe separator’s color
separator_shapeThe separator’s shape
slider_bar_border_widthThe bar (background) border width
slider_bar_border_colorThe bar (background) border color
slider_handle_border_colorThe handle border_color
slider_handle_border_widthThe handle border width
slider_handle_widthThe handle
slider_handle_shapeThe handle shape
slider_bar_shapeThe bar (background) shape
slider_bar_heightThe bar (background) height
slider_bar_marginsThe bar (background) margins
slider_handle_marginsThe slider handle margins
slider_bar_colorThe bar (background) color
bg_systrayThe systray background color
systray_icon_spacingThe systray icon spacing
fontThe textbox font
border_focusThe border color when the client is focused
border_normalThe border color when the client is not focused
border_widthThe client border width

Sample theme file

local theme = {}

-- Default variables
-- theme.font = nil
-- theme.wallpaper = nil
-- theme.font = nil

-- arcchart\
-- theme.arcchart\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.arcchart\_color = nil
-- theme.arcchart\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.arcchart\_paddings = nil
-- theme.arcchart\_thickness = nil

-- awesome\
-- theme.awesome\_icon = nil

-- bg\
--\_normal = nil
--\_normal = nil
--\_normal = nil
--\_focus = nil
--\_urgent = nil
--\_minimize = nil
--\_systray = nil
--\_normal = nil
--\_systray = nil

-- border\
-- theme.border\_marked = nil
-- theme.border\_width = nil
-- theme.border\_normal = nil
-- theme.border\_focus = nil
-- theme.border\_marked = nil
-- theme.border\_focus = nil
-- theme.border\_normal = nil
-- theme.border\_width = nil

-- calendar\
-- theme.calendar\_style = nil
-- theme.calendar\_font = nil
-- theme.calendar\_spacing = nil
-- theme.calendar\_week\_numbers = nil
-- theme.calendar\_start\_sunday = nil
-- theme.calendar\_long\_weekdays = nil

-- checkbox\
-- theme.checkbox\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_bg = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_check\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_check\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_check\_color = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_shape = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_check\_shape = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_paddings = nil
-- theme.checkbox\_color = nil

-- column\
-- theme.column\_count = nil

-- cursor\
-- theme.cursor\_mouse\_resize = nil
-- theme.cursor\_mouse\_move = nil

-- enable\
-- theme.enable\_spawn\_cursor = nil

-- fg\
-- theme.fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.fg\_focus = nil
-- theme.fg\_urgent = nil
-- theme.fg\_minimize = nil
-- theme.fg\_normal = nil

-- fullscreen\
-- theme.fullscreen\_hide\_border = nil

-- gap\
--\_single\_client = nil

-- graph\
-- theme.graph\_bg = nil
-- theme.graph\_fg = nil
-- theme.graph\_border\_color = nil

-- hotkeys\
-- theme.hotkeys\_bg = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_fg = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_shape = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_modifiers\_fg = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_label\_bg = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_label\_fg = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_font = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_description\_font = nil
-- theme.hotkeys\_group\_margin = nil

-- icon\
-- theme.icon\_theme = nil

-- layout\
-- theme.layout\_cornernw = nil
-- theme.layout\_cornerne = nil
-- theme.layout\_cornersw = nil
-- theme.layout\_cornerse = nil
-- theme.layout\_fairh = nil
-- theme.layout\_fairv = nil
-- theme.layout\_floating = nil
-- theme.layout\_magnifier = nil
-- theme.layout\_max = nil
-- theme.layout\_fullscreen = nil
-- theme.layout\_spiral = nil
-- theme.layout\_dwindle = nil
-- theme.layout\_tile = nil
-- theme.layout\_tiletop = nil
-- theme.layout\_tilebottom = nil
-- theme.layout\_tileleft = nil

-- layoutlist\
-- theme.layoutlist\_fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_bg\_normal = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_fg\_selected = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_bg\_selected = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_disable\_icon = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_disable\_name = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_font = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_align = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_font\_selected = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_spacing = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_shape = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_shape\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_shape\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_shape\_selected = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_shape\_border\_width\_selected = nil
-- theme.layoutlist\_shape\_border\_color\_selected = nil

-- master\
-- theme.master\_width\_factor = nil
-- theme.master\_fill\_policy = nil
-- theme.master\_count = nil

-- maximized\
-- theme.maximized\_honor\_padding = nil
-- theme.maximized\_hide\_border = nil

-- menu\
--\_submenu\_icon = nil
--\_font = nil
--\_height = nil
--\_width = nil
--\_border\_color = nil
--\_border\_width = nil
--\_fg\_focus = nil
--\_bg\_focus = nil
--\_fg\_normal = nil
--\_bg\_normal = nil
--\_submenu = nil

-- menubar\
-- theme.menubar\_fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.menubar\_bg\_normal = nil
-- theme.menubar\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.menubar\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.menubar\_fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.menubar\_bg\_normal = nil

-- notification\
-- theme.notification\_font = nil
-- theme.notification\_bg = nil
-- theme.notification\_fg = nil
-- theme.notification\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.notification\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.notification\_shape = nil
-- theme.notification\_opacity = nil
-- theme.notification\_margin = nil
-- theme.notification\_width = nil
-- theme.notification\_height = nil
-- theme.notification\_max\_width = nil
-- theme.notification\_max\_height = nil
-- theme.notification\_icon\_size = nil

-- piechart\
-- theme.piechart\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.piechart\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.piechart\_colors = nil

-- progressbar\
-- theme.progressbar\_bg = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_fg = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_shape = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_bar\_shape = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_bar\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_bar\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_margins = nil
-- theme.progressbar\_paddings = nil

-- prompt\
-- theme.prompt\_fg\_cursor = nil
-- theme.prompt\_bg\_cursor = nil
-- theme.prompt\_font = nil
-- theme.prompt\_fg = nil
-- theme.prompt\_bg = nil

-- radialprogressbar\
-- theme.radialprogressbar\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.radialprogressbar\_color = nil
-- theme.radialprogressbar\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.radialprogressbar\_paddings = nil

-- separator\
-- theme.separator\_thickness = nil
-- theme.separator\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.separator\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.separator\_span\_ratio = nil
-- theme.separator\_color = nil
-- theme.separator\_shape = nil

-- slider\
-- theme.slider\_bar\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.slider\_bar\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.slider\_handle\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.slider\_handle\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.slider\_handle\_width = nil
-- theme.slider\_handle\_color = nil
-- theme.slider\_handle\_shape = nil
-- theme.slider\_bar\_shape = nil
-- theme.slider\_bar\_height = nil
-- theme.slider\_bar\_margins = nil
-- theme.slider\_handle\_margins = nil
-- theme.slider\_bar\_color = nil

-- snap\
-- theme.snap\_bg = nil
-- theme.snap\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.snap\_shape = nil

-- snapper\
-- theme.snapper\_gap = nil

-- systray\
-- theme.systray\_icon\_spacing = nil

-- taglist\
-- theme.taglist\_fg\_focus = nil
-- theme.taglist\_bg\_focus = nil
-- theme.taglist\_fg\_urgent = nil
-- theme.taglist\_bg\_urgent = nil
-- theme.taglist\_bg\_occupied = nil
-- theme.taglist\_fg\_occupied = nil
-- theme.taglist\_bg\_empty = nil
-- theme.taglist\_fg\_empty = nil
-- theme.taglist\_bg\_volatile = nil
-- theme.taglist\_fg\_volatile = nil
-- theme.taglist\_squares\_sel = nil
-- theme.taglist\_squares\_unsel = nil
-- theme.taglist\_squares\_sel\_empty = nil
-- theme.taglist\_squares\_unsel\_empty = nil
-- theme.taglist\_squares\_resize = nil
-- theme.taglist\_disable\_icon = nil
-- theme.taglist\_font = nil
-- theme.taglist\_spacing = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_empty = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_width\_empty = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_color\_empty = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_focus = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_width\_focus = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_color\_focus = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_urgent = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_width\_urgent = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_color\_urgent = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_volatile = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_width\_volatile = nil
-- theme.taglist\_shape\_border\_color\_volatile = nil

-- tasklist\
-- theme.tasklist\_fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_normal = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_fg\_focus = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_focus = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_fg\_urgent = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_urgent = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_fg\_minimize = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_minimize = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_image\_normal = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_image\_focus = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_image\_urgent = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_bg\_image\_minimize = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_disable\_icon = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_disable\_task\_name = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_plain\_task\_name = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_font = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_align = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_font\_focus = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_font\_minimized = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_font\_urgent = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_spacing = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_focus = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_width\_focus = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_color\_focus = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_minimized = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_width\_minimized = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_color\_minimized = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_urgent = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_width\_urgent = nil
-- theme.tasklist\_shape\_border\_color\_urgent = nil

-- titlebar\
-- theme.titlebar\_fg\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_bg\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_bgimage\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_fg = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_bg = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_bgimage = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_fg\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_bg\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_bgimage\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_minimize\_button\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_minimize\_button\_normal\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_minimize\_button\_normal\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_close\_button\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_close\_button\_normal\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_close\_button\_normal\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_normal = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_minimize\_button\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_minimize\_button\_focus\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_minimize\_button\_focus\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_close\_button\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_close\_button\_focus\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_close\_button\_focus\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_focus = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_normal\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_normal\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_normal\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_normal\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_normal\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_normal\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_normal\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_normal\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_normal\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_normal\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_normal\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_normal\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_focus\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_focus\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_focus\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_focus\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_focus\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_focus\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_focus\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_focus\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_focus\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_focus\_active = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_focus\_active\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_focus\_active\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_normal\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_normal\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_normal\_inactive\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_normal\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_normal\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_normal\_inactive\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_normal\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_normal\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_normal\_inactive\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_normal\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_normal\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_normal\_inactive\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_focus\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_focus\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_floating\_button\_focus\_inactive\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_focus\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_focus\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_maximized\_button\_focus\_inactive\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_focus\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_focus\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_ontop\_button\_focus\_inactive\_press = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_focus\_inactive = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_focus\_inactive\_hover = nil
-- theme.titlebar\_sticky\_button\_focus\_inactive\_press = nil

-- tooltip\
-- theme.tooltip\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.tooltip\_bg = nil
-- theme.tooltip\_fg = nil
-- theme.tooltip\_font = nil
-- theme.tooltip\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.tooltip\_opacity = nil
-- theme.tooltip\_shape = nil
-- theme.tooltip\_align = nil

-- useless\
-- theme.useless\_gap = nil
-- theme.useless\_gap = nil

-- wibar\
-- theme.wibar\_stretch = nil
-- theme.wibar\_border\_width = nil
-- theme.wibar\_border\_color = nil
-- theme.wibar\_ontop = nil
-- theme.wibar\_cursor = nil
-- theme.wibar\_opacity = nil
-- theme.wibar\_type = nil
-- theme.wibar\_width = nil
-- theme.wibar\_height = nil
-- theme.wibar\_bg = nil
-- theme.wibar\_bgimage = nil
-- theme.wibar\_fg = nil
-- theme.wibar\_shape = nil

return theme

-- vim: filetype=lua:expandtab:shiftwidth=4:tabstop=8:softtabstop=4:textwidth=80
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-09-28 18:14:15