Class awful.widget.keyboardlayout



awful.widget.keyboardlayout:get_groups_from_group_names (group_names) Auxiliary function for the local function update_layout().
awful.widget.keyboardlayout:new () Create a keyboard layout widget.


awful.widget.keyboardlayout:get_groups_from_group_names (group_names)
Auxiliary function for the local function update_layout(). Create an array whose element is a table consisting of the four fields: vendor, file, section and group_idx, which all correspond to the xkb_symbols pattern “vendor/file(section):group_idx”.
  • group_names string The string awesome.xkb_get_group_names() returns.


    table An array of tables whose keys are vendor, file, section, and group_idx.
awful.widget.keyboardlayout:new ()
Create a keyboard layout widget. It shows current keyboard layout name in a textbox.


    A keyboard layout widget.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2022-09-28 18:14:15