Module: gears.shape

Module dedicated to gather common shape painters.

It adds the concept of "shape" to Awesome. A shape can be applied to a background, a margin, a mask or a drawable shape bounding.

The functions exposed by this module always take a cairo context as first parameter followed by a width and height. Individual functions may take additional parameters for their specific implementions.

The functions provided by this module only create a path in the content. to actually draw the content, use cr:fill(), cr:mask(), cr:clip() or cr:stroke()

In many case, it is necessary to apply the shape using a transformation such as a rotation. The preferred way to do this is to wrap the function in another function calling cr:rotate() (or any other transformation matrix).

To specialize a shape where the API doesn't allows extra arguments to be passed, it is possible to wrap the shape function like:

local new_shape = function(cr, width, height)
    gears.shape.rounded_rect(cr, width, height, 2)

Many elements can be shaped. This include:


  • Copyright: 2011-2016 Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
  • Originally authored by: Emmanuel Lepage Vallee
    (Full contributors list available on our github project)

Static module functions

gears.shape.partial_squircle (cr, width, height, tl, tr, br, bl, rate, delta) Add a squircle shape with only some of the corner are "circled" to the current path.
gears.shape.squircle (cr, width, height, rate, delta) Add a squircle shape to the current path. (cr, width, height, n) Add a star shape to the current path.
gears.shape.rounded_rect (cr, width, height, radius) Add a rounded rectangle to the current path.
gears.shape.rounded_bar (cr, width, height) Add a rectangle delimited by 2 180 degree arcs to the path.
gears.shape.partially_rounded_rect (cr, width, height, tl, tr, br, bl, rad) A rounded rect with only some of the corners rounded.
gears.shape.infobubble (cr, width, height, corner_radius, arrow_size, arrow_position) A rounded rectangle with a triangle at the top.
gears.shape.rectangular_tag (cr, width, height, arrow_length) A rectangle terminated by an arrow.
gears.shape.arrow (cr, width, height, head_width, shaft_width, shaft_length) A simple arrow shape.
gears.shape.hexagon (cr, width, height) A squeezed hexagon filling the rectangle.
gears.shape.powerline (cr, width, height, arrow_depth) Double arrow popularized by the vim-powerline module.
gears.shape.isosceles_triangle (cr, width, height) An isosceles triangle.
gears.shape.cross (cr, width, height, thickness) A cross (+) symbol.
gears.shape.octogon (cr, width, height, corner_radius) A similar shape to the rounded_rect, but with sharp corners. (cr, width, height, radius) A circle shape.
gears.shape.rectangle (cr, width, height) A simple rectangle.
gears.shape.parallelogram (cr, width, height, base_width) A diagonal parallelogram with the bottom left corner at x=0 and top right at x=width.
gears.shape.losange (cr, width, height) A losange.
gears.shape.pie (cr, width, height, start_angle, end_angle, radius) A pie.
gears.shape.arc (cr, width, height, thickness, start_angle, end_angle, start_rounded, end_rounded) A rounded arc.
gears.shape.solid_rectangle_shadow (cr, width, height, x_offset, y_offset) Overlap 2 rectangles to emulate a shadow effect.
gears.shape.radial_progress (cr, w, h, percent, hide_left) A partial rounded bar.
gears.shape.transform (shape) -> () Adjust the shape using a transformation object

Static module functions

🔗 gears.shape.partial_squircle (cr, width, height, tl, tr, br, bl, rate, delta)
Add a squircle shape with only some of the corner are "circled" to the current path. The squircle is not exactly as the definition. It will expand to the shape's width and height, kinda like an ellipse


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height
tl boolean If the top left corner is rounded
tr boolean If the top right corner is rounded
br boolean If the bottom right corner is rounded
bl boolean If the bottom left corner is rounded
rate number The "squareness" of the squircle, should be greater than 1
delta number The "smoothness" of the shape, delta must be greate than 0.01 and will be reset to 0.01 if not


    shape.partial_squircle(cr, 70, 70, false, true)
    shape.partial_squircle(cr, 70, 70, true, false, true)
    shape.partial_squircle(cr, 70, 70, true, false, true, true)
🔗 gears.shape.squircle (cr, width, height, rate, delta)
Add a squircle shape to the current path. This will behave the same as partial_squircle


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height
rate number The "squareness" of the squircle, should be greater than 1
delta number The "smoothness" of the shape, delta must be greater than 0.01 and will be reset to 0.01 if not


    shape.squircle(cr, 70, 70, 2)
    shape.squircle(cr, 70, 70, 8)
    shape.squircle(cr, 70, 70, 1.5)
🔗 (cr, width, height, n)
Add a star shape to the current path. The star size will be the minimum of the given width and weight


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The width constraint
height number The height constraint
n number Number of grams (default n = 5 -> pentagram)

Usage:, 70, 70, 4), 70, 70, 9)
    shape.transform( : translate(70/2, 70/2)
    : rotate(math.pi) : scale(0.5, 0.75)
    : translate(-70/2, -70/2) (cr, 70, 70)
🔗 gears.shape.rounded_rect (cr, width, height, radius)
Add a rounded rectangle to the current path. Note: If the radius is bigger than either half side, it will be reduced.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo content
width number The rectangle width
height number The rectangle height
radius number The corner radius


    shape.rounded_rect(cr, 70, 70, 10)
    shape.rounded_rect(cr,20,70, 5)
    shape.transform(shape.rounded_rect) : translate(0,25) (cr,70,20, 5)
🔗 gears.shape.rounded_bar (cr, width, height)
Add a rectangle delimited by 2 180 degree arcs to the path.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo content
width The rectangle width
height The rectangle height.


    shape.rounded_bar(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.rounded_bar(cr, 20, 70)
    shape.rounded_bar(cr, 70, 20)
🔗 gears.shape.partially_rounded_rect (cr, width, height, tl, tr, br, bl, rad)
A rounded rect with only some of the corners rounded.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height
tl boolean If the top left corner is rounded
tr boolean If the top right corner is rounded
br boolean If the bottom right corner is rounded
bl boolean If the bottom left corner is rounded
rad number The corner radius


    shape.partially_rounded_rect(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.partially_rounded_rect(cr, 70, 70, true)
    shape.partially_rounded_rect(cr, 70, 70, true, true, false, true, 30)
🔗 gears.shape.infobubble (cr, width, height, corner_radius, arrow_size, arrow_position)
A rounded rectangle with a triangle at the top.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
corner_radius Optional number The corner radius 5
arrow_size Optional number The width and height of the arrow 10
arrow_position Optional number The position of the arrow width/2 - arrow_size/2


    shape.infobubble(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.infobubble) : translate(0, 20)
    : rotate_at(35,35,math.pi) (cr,70,20,10, 5, 35 - 5)
    : rotate_at(35,35,3*math.pi/2) (cr,70,70, nil, nil, 40)
🔗 gears.shape.rectangular_tag (cr, width, height, arrow_length)
A rectangle terminated by an arrow.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
arrow_length Optional number The length of the arrow part height/2


    shape.rectangular_tag(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.rectangular_tag) : translate(0, 30) (cr, 70, 10,  10)
    shape.transform(shape.rectangular_tag) : translate(0, 30) (cr, 70, 10, -10)
🔗 gears.shape.arrow (cr, width, height, head_width, shaft_width, shaft_length)
A simple arrow shape.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
head_width Optional number The width of the head (/) of the arrow head_width
shaft_width Optional number The width of the shaft of the arrow width /2
shaft_length Optional number The head_length of the shaft (the rest is the head) height/2


    shape.arrow(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.arrow(cr,70,70, 30, 10, 60)
    shape.transform(shape.arrow) : rotate_at(35,35,math.pi/2)(cr,70,70)
🔗 gears.shape.hexagon (cr, width, height)
A squeezed hexagon filling the rectangle.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height


    shape.hexagon(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.hexagon) : translate(0,15)(cr,70,20)
    shape.transform(shape.hexagon) : rotate_at(35,35,math.pi/2)(cr,70,40)
🔗 gears.shape.powerline (cr, width, height, arrow_depth)
Double arrow popularized by the vim-powerline module.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
arrow_depth Optional number The width of the arrow part of the shape height/2


    shape.powerline(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.powerline) : translate(0, 25) (cr,70,20)
    shape.transform(shape.powerline) : translate(0, 25) (cr,70,20, -20)
🔗 gears.shape.isosceles_triangle (cr, width, height)
An isosceles triangle.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height


    shape.isosceles_triangle(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.isosceles_triangle) : rotate_at(35, 35, math.pi/2)(cr,70,70)
🔗 gears.shape.cross (cr, width, height, thickness)
A cross (+) symbol.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
thickness Optional number The cross section thickness width/3


    shape.cross(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.cross) : scale(0.5, 1)(cr,70,70)
🔗 gears.shape.octogon (cr, width, height, corner_radius)
A similar shape to the rounded_rect, but with sharp corners.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height
corner_radius number


    shape.octogon(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.octogon) : translate(0, 25) (cr,70,20)
🔗 (cr, width, height, radius)
A circle shape.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
radius Optional number The radius math.min(width height) / 2)

Usage:, 70, 70),20,70)
    shape.transform( : scale(0.5, 1)(cr,70,70)
🔗 gears.shape.rectangle (cr, width, height)
A simple rectangle.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height


    shape.rectangle(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.rectangle) : scale(0.5, 1)(cr,70,70)
🔗 gears.shape.parallelogram (cr, width, height, base_width)
A diagonal parallelogram with the bottom left corner at x=0 and top right at x=width.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
base_width Optional number The parallelogram base width width/3


    shape.parallelogram(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.parallelogram) : scale(0.5, 1)(cr,70,70)
🔗 gears.shape.losange (cr, width, height)
A losange.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
width number The shape width
height number The shape height


    shape.losange(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.transform(shape.losange) : scale(0.5, 1)(cr,70,70)
🔗 gears.shape.pie (cr, width, height, start_angle, end_angle, radius)
A pie.

The pie center is the center of the area.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
start_angle Optional number The start angle (in radian) 0
end_angle Optional number The end angle (in radian) math.pi/2
radius Optional number The shape height math.min(width height)/2


    shape.pie(cr, 70, 70)
    shape.pie(cr,70,70, 1.0471975511966,   4.1887902047864)
    shape.pie(cr,70,70, 0, 2*math.pi, 10)
🔗 gears.shape.arc (cr, width, height, thickness, start_angle, end_angle, start_rounded, end_rounded)
A rounded arc.

The pie center is the center of the area.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
thickness Optional number The arc thickness math.min(width height)/2
start_angle Optional number The start angle (in radian) 0
end_angle Optional number The end angle (in radian) math.pi/2
start_rounded Optional boolean If the arc start rounded false
end_rounded Optional boolean If the arc end rounded false


    shape.arc(cr,70,70, 10)
    shape.arc(cr,70,70, 10, nil, nil, true, true)
    shape.arc(cr,70,70, nil, 0, 2*math.pi)
🔗 gears.shape.solid_rectangle_shadow (cr, width, height, x_offset, y_offset)
Overlap 2 rectangles to emulate a shadow effect.

This is intended to be used with either the wibox.container.margin or the client.shape to implement MS-DOS and TWM MenuShadowColor "classic" shadows.

Warning: If x_offset or y_offset are greater than the width or height respectively, strange thing will happen.


Name Type(s) Description Default value
cr A cairo context Not applicable
width number The shape width Not applicable
height number The shape height Not applicable
x_offset Optional number The shadow area horizontal offset. 5
y_offset Optional number The shadow area vertical offset. 5


    shape.solid_rectangle_shadow(cr, 70, 70, 10, 5)
    shape.solid_rectangle_shadow(cr, 70, 70, 5, -10)
    shape.solid_rectangle_shadow(cr, 70, 70, 30, -30)
🔗 gears.shape.radial_progress (cr, w, h, percent, hide_left)
A partial rounded bar. How much of the rounded bar is visible depends on the given percentage value.

Note that this shape is not closed and thus filling it doesn't make much sense.


Name Type(s) Description
cr A cairo context
w number The shape width
h number The shape height
percent number The progressbar percent
hide_left boolean Do not draw the left side of the shape


    shape.radial_progress(cr, 70, 20, .3)
    shape.radial_progress(cr, 70, 20, .6)
    shape.radial_progress(cr, 70, 20, .9)
🔗 gears.shape.transform (shape) -> ()
Adjust the shape using a transformation object Apply various transformations to the shape


Name Type(s) Description
shape A shape function


    A transformation handle, also act as a shape function

See also:

gears.matrix.translate Translate this matrix (gears.matrix) methods
gears.matrix.scale Scale this matrix (gears.matrix) methods
gears.matrix.rotate Rotate this matrix (gears.matrix) methods
gears.matrix.rotate_at Rotate a shape from a custom point (gears.matrix) methods
gears.matrix.multiply Multiply this matrix with another matrix. (gears.matrix) methods
gears.matrix.invert Invert this matrix (gears.matrix) methods


       : rotate(math.pi/2)
          : translate(10, 10)
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